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Antibaby naplója 2004-2013

Antibaby naplója 2004-2013

Vicces MAGYARázat

2007. december 16. - Antibaby

Az egyik cikkemhez kerestem anyagot, amikor erre bukkantam. Forrás a wikipedia.org. Téma a Macskafogó 1., amelyet az USA-ban CatCity néven vetítettek.

"Puns in the Hungarian version:
The one-eyed boss cat is named "Mr. Teufel", which is "Mr Devil" in German, but Teufel sounds like tejfel in Hungarian, which is one of the favorite titbits of cats, sour cream.
- The secret password for the mice's council is "Egy aprócska kalapocska, benne csacska macska mocska" [say: edy op-roch-ko kolo-poch-ko, beh-neh choch-ko mach-ko moch-ko] (meaning "A tiny little hat with a silly cat's dirt in it").
- The original title "Macskafogó", although literally it means "Cat catcher", comes from the word "Egérfogó" meaning "Mouse trap", changing the word "egér" (mouse) into "macska" (Cat).
- The Professor promises that he would recruit again Grabowski and "bring back Cincinnatus from the yoke" -- a historic reference to Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus, this patriotic elderly Roman patrician who left his plow in the field to come to Rome's rescue in its moment of need around 458 BC. However, "cin" or "cin-cin" is the equivalent of "squeaking" in Hungarian...
- The boss of the cats (the fat white one) is called Giovanni Gatto. Gatto is an Italian word, it means cat in English (and macska in Hungarian). Also, Giovanni is the Italian equivalent of the Hungarian first name János (John in English) – and if a Hungarian says "macskajancsi" (Johnny Cat in English), it means jerk, lame, loser, or a coward.
- The main character's (Grabowsky's) sexy Japanese female helper is called Chi-no-san, which sounds almost like the Hungarian word csinosan, "prettily".
- The daughter of the lame assistant of Mr. Teufel(the one-eyed boss cat)is called CAThy."

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